First Choice Pest Control, Inc. provides FREE Annual Termite Inspection and offers Annual Termite Treatment Guarantees. Our termite inspections and termite treatments are designed to prevent future termite infestations. We also offer various preventative treatments. Our inspections are done on residential and commercial properties and for Real Estate inspections throughout the greater Tampa Bay area.
Termites are a very serious structural pest. They cause homeowners billions of dollars in damage each year. Termites usually build mud-like tunnels up the exterior foundation or enter through a bath trap, the area beneath a bath tub where the drain goes through the concrete foundation.
To prevent termite infestations, we apply a termite-proof barrier under and around your structure. This barrier will repel any termites in the ground around your home. Our family owned business installs confidence in you as a homeowner that your home will remain termite free with our services. We guarantee our work and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee! Call us today for FREE termite inspection and quote! 813-948-0835
Termites pose serious risks to homes. They feed on cellulose, including structural timbers, flooring, doors and doorframes, window trim, and even pieces of furniture. Termites are known to cause financial ruin for homeowners, as most insurance policies do not cover damage created by this pest.
Experts say termites cause approximately 5$billion in property damage each year. Therefore, prevention is key in avoiding an infestation in and around your home. First Choice provides ongoing protection to tackle any current termite activity and help prevent future infestations.
Our highly trained pest control professional will help get rid of unwanted pests FAST! We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee! Call us today at 813-948-0835 or provide your email and receive our special promotional offer!